Uno Card Game Rules Printable


Setup: The game is for 2-10 players, ages 7 and over. Every player starts with seven cards, and they are dealt face down. The rest of the cards are placed in a Draw Pile face down. Next to the pile a space should be designated for a Discard Pile. The top card should be placed in the Discard Pile, and the game begins!

  1. Printable Rules For Uno Game
  2. Uno Card Game Rules Printable Chart
  3. Uno Card Game Rules Printable Free

If you family has a special UNO rule you prefer to play with you may write that rule on the Blank Cards and add them straight to the deck GOING OUT A player who forgets to say UNO before his card touches the discard pile, but 'catches' himself before any other player. UNO IN A NUTSHELL. The top card of the DRAW pile is turned over to begin a DISCARD pile. The first player has to match the card in the DISCARD pile either by number, color or word. For example, if the card is a red 7, player must throw down a red card or any color 7. Or the player can throw down a Wild card.

Game Play: The first player is normally the player to the left of the dealer (you can also choose the youngest player) and gameplay usually follows a clockwise direction. Every player views his/her cards and tries to match the card in the Discard Pile.

You have to match either by the number, color, or the symbol/Action. For instance, if the Discard Pile has a red card that is an 8 you have to place either a red card or a card with an 8 on it. You can also play a Wild card (which can alter current color in play).

Uno, the card game, should come with 108 Uno Cards: 19 cards from 0 to 9 (in blue, green, red and yellow), 8 draw two cards (2 in each color), 8 reverse cards (2 in each color), 8 skip cards (2 in each color), 4 wild cards, 4 wild draw four cards, and the official Uno rules and instructions. TWO-HANDED PLAY (UNO® card game with two players) This is played with the following special rules: 1. Playing a Reverse card acts like a Skip. The player who plays the Reverse may immediately play another card. The person playing a Skip card may immediately play another card.

If the player has no matches or they choose not to play any of their cards even though they might have a match, they must draw a card from the Draw pile. If that card can be played, play it. Otherwise, keep the card, and the game moves on to the next person in turn. You can also play a Wild card, or a Wild Draw Four card on your turn.

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Note: If the first card turned up from the Draw Pile (to form the Discard Pile) is an Action card, the Action from that card applies and must be carried out by the first player to go (as stated, it is usually the player to the dealer’s left). The exceptions are if a Wild or Wild Draw Four card is turned up.

If it is a Wild card, Mattel has now stated that the first player to start (usually the one on the dealer’s left), can choose whatever color to begin play. If the first card is a Wild Draw Four card – Return it to the Draw Pile, shuffle the deck, and turn over a new card. At any time during the game, if the Draw Pile becomes depleted and no one has yet won the round, take the Discard Pile, shuffle it, and turn it over to regenerate a new Draw Pile.

Take note that you can only put down one card at a time; you cannot stack two or more cards together on the same turn. For example, you cannot put down a Draw Two on top of another Draw Two, or Wild Draw Four during the same turn, or put down two Wild Draw Four cards together.

The game continues until a player has one card left. The moment a player has just one card they must yell “UNO!”. If they are caught not saying “Uno” by another player before the next player has taken their turn, that player must draw two new cards as a penalty. Assuming that the player is unable to play/discard their last card and needs to draw, but after drawing, is then able to play/discard that penultimate card, the player has to repeat the action of calling out “Uno”. The bottom line is – Announcing “Uno” needs to be repeated every time you are left with one card.


Once a player has no cards remaining, the game round is over, points are scored, and the game begins over again. Normally, everyone tries to be the first one to achieve 500 points, but you can also choose whatever points number to win the game, as long as everyone agrees to it.

Action Cards: Besides the number cards, there are several other cards that help mix up the game. These are called Action or Symbol cards.

  • Reverse – If going clockwise, switch to counterclockwise or vice versa. It can only be played on a card that matches by color, or on another Reverse card. If turned up at the beginning of play, the dealer goes first, and the player to the dealer’s right is next (normally it would be the player to the dealer’s left).
  • Skip – When a player places this card, the next player has to skip their turn. It can only be played on a card that matches by color, or on another Skip card. If turned up at the beginning of play, the first player (to the dealer’s left) loses his/her turn. The next player to that player’s right starts the game instead.
  • Draw Two – When a person places this card, the next player will have to pick up two cards and forfeit his/her turn. It can only be played on a card that matches by color, or on another Draw Two. If turned up at the beginning of play, the first player draws two cards and gets skipped.
  • Wild – This card represents all four colors, and can be placed on any card. The player has to state which color it will represent for the next player. It can be played regardless of whether another card is available. If turned up at the beginning of play, the first player chooses what color to continue play.
  • Wild Draw Four – This acts just like the wild card except that the next player also has to draw four cards as well as forfeit his/her turn. With this card, you must have no other alternative cards to play that matches the color of the card previously played. If you play this card illegally, you may be challenged by the other player to show your hand to him/her. If guilty, you need to draw 4 cards. If not, the challenger needs to draw 6 cards instead. If turned up at the beginning of play, return this card to the Draw pile, shuffle, and turn up a new one.

In recent years, Mattel has introduced two new Action card types to Uno. Instead of 108 cards, Uno now has 112 cards. What do these 4 extra cards do? Note: You can still play classic Uno without them by simply removing them before you start the game.

Printable Rules For Uno Game

  • Wild Swap Hands Card – This is a powerful card that enables you to swap the cards in your hand with anyone of your choice. Being a Wild card, it has the same attributes, namely, you can choose to either play it or not, at any of your turns, and also choose the color of play. Ideally, you would probably want to swap your cards with the player who has the least number of cards! Being a powerful Action card, only one is provided per deck. If turned up at the beginning of the game, the first player to start gets to choose the color and also swap his hands with another person. Note: Being a Wild card, the same rule applies to the Swap Hands card. Once you play this card and swapped your hands with another player, your turn is up, and you are not allowed to put down any card immediately after that until your turn arrives again.
  • Wild Customizable Card – There are 3 of them provided in any deck, and they are all blank. These are meant for you to write down your own “house rules”. Before the game starts, make sure everyone agrees to the rules and also on how many of the Wild Customizable cards will be used. You can use 1-3 of them per game. These are Wild Cards, so the same rules apply to them – The person who plays them gets to choose the color of play, and if turned up at the start, then the first player chooses the color of play. Note: Being a Wild card, the same rule applies to the Customizable card. Once you play this card, your turn is up, and you are not allowed to put down any card immediately after that until your turn arrives again.

3 new Wild blank customizable cards and 1 Swap Hands card.

What house rules can you make up? Mattel says it’s up to your imagination, but of course it has to be something everyone agrees with. These blank customizable cards were introduced by Mattel to add a huge dash of unpredictability and extra fun to the game.

Although the cards are erasable and you can write on them with a pencil, but if you are worried that the cards would wear out quickly, one suggestion is to use a detachable plastic sticker and write on the sticker instead, and then lightly stick it onto the card for the duration of the game.

What if your last card is a Wild Swap Hands?

This scenario may happen from time to time. If your last card is a Wild Swap Hands card, you can treat it like a normal Wild card and play it to end the game right there and then – No further action is required. This is because you would obviously not win the game if you were required to swap your hand with another player.

A few wacky suggestions for customizable house rules (Do make up your own!):

  • The next player needs to do 3 sit-ups and if he/she fails or refuses, then draw 3 cards.
  • The next player must sing a song, failing which, he/she needs to draw 2 cards.
  • Everyone but you must draw 2 cards immediately.
  • Everyone must immediately discard their Wild cards. Everyone but you.
  • Call out the color you want. Then act or play a charade, and the first player who correctly guesses it can discard all the cards of that color that they have in hand at that moment.
  • Everyone skips a turn, or rather, you take an extra turn.

Scoring: When a player no longer has any cards and the game ends, he/she receives points. All opponents’ cards are given to the winner and points are counted. All number cards are the same value as the number on the card (e.g. a 9 is 9 points). “Draw Two' – 20 Points, “Reverse' – 20 Points, “Skip' – 20 Points, “Wild' – 50 Points, and “Wild Draw Four' – 50 Points. “Wild Swap Hands” – 40 Points, “Wild Customizable card” – 40 Points. The first player to attain 500 points wins the game.

Alternative Gameplay:

This is the alternative Uno gameplay proposed by Mattel. This is done by keeping a running tally of the total points left in each player’s hand at the end of each round. Players reaching 500 points (or any designated amount) are slowly eliminated until only two are left. The final two players then challenge each other (under Two Player rules) until someone reaches 500 points and loses.

Two Player & Four Player Rules

For two players, there is a slight change of rules:

Uno Card Game Rules Printable Chart

  • Reverse works like Skip
  • Play Skip, and you may immediately play another card
  • If you play a Draw Two or Wild Draw Four card, your opponent has to draw the number of cards required, and then play immediately resumes back on your turn.

For four players (two-partner teams), players sit opposite their partners, and play until one of either partner goes out with one Uno card left. Scoring for the winning team is done by adding up all the points from opposing partner’s hands.

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Uno Cards Game Instructions

Ages: 6+
Players: 2 - 10

Uno Cards is one of the most popular and well know card games where players try to be the first one to get rid of all their cards. Uno is very easy to learn how to play and is suitable for almost all ages. You can take these cards with you and is a great travel game for multiple people. Similar to Monopoly, Uno has tons of different themed versions from movies, to holidays to even sports teams. Literally hundreds of versions to choose from or collect.
Uno Cards has a lot of fun twists to it including skip cards, draw two cards, draw four cards, wild cards, and reverse cards. Also, don't get caught with only one card in your hand without saying 'Uno!' With a unique game every time you play, Uno is a challenging but also a luck based game that is a favorite to many. Play this game with your friends and family today!
To be the first player to score 500 points. You'll get points by getting rid of all your cards first. The cards in remaining in your opponents' hands will earn you points.
Uno, the card game, should come with 108 Uno Cards: 19 cards from 0 to 9 (in blue, green, red and yellow), 8 draw two cards (2 in each color), 8 reverse cards (2 in each color), 8 skip cards (2 in each color), 4 wild cards, 4 wild draw four cards, and the official Uno rules and instructions.
Uno Cards Game Rules:
Please keep in mind that the official Uno Cards dice-card rules and instructions could be different depending on the game version you have. The rules below are some of the exact directions on how to play Uno Cards.

Uno Card Game Rules Printable Free

Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about how to play, problems with the rules or anything you want about Uno Cards. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours. Click here to add your Uno Cards comments.
Dennis says:
I cannot find the UNO rule for when the earliest time the player can call UNO. For example: 1: Person can say UNO after he/she extracts the second to last card from his hand? 2: Person can say UNO when he touches the second to last car in his hard. 3: Person can say UNO simply when he has two cards in hand and is ready to play the second to last card.
Kyle says:
I love the game Uno. The game rules are so easy and simple to understand. Games that take forever to learn how to play drive me crazy. This game always goes with us on vacation. We have even tweaked the official Uno rules a bit when we want to play a different flavor of the game. The possibilities are endless.
Peggy says:
If you're down to only two cards left with one a wild card, do you have to play it? Is it ok to draw & save the wild card?
Jack says:
A must have on vacations. We always slip this game in our bags and play when we're stuck somewhere (which always seems to happen).
Sara says:
I have played this card game so many times with so many different people and I swear everyone plays it a little different. We get going and I say, wait, you can't do that. They respond saying yes, that's how we play it. Who knew?! Make sure you get your rules down before you start playing since there are so many different versions of how to play.
Alisha says:
Uno is one of the first card games I remember leaning how to play with my extended family. We all sat around the table and played (probably 15 people). Someone quickly explained the simple rules to me and we were off playing. Lots of fun memories with this game. An easy one to throw in your bag no matter where you go.
Carebear says:
I love UNO because I always beat my grandma lol
Walter says:
Ah, the memories of playing this with my buddies back in the day. Somehow we would always get in an argument over the rules and everyone had their own ideas of how to play Uno. Still a classic easy fun game.
Sushma says:
According to the rules WILD cards are used to change the color or WILD DRAW 4 cards are used to change the color & the next person has to pick 4 extra cards.
Now i have a doubt WILD & WILD DRAW 4 cards - are we allowed to play a WILD card over a WILD card or a WILD DRAW 4 over a WILD DRAW 4 & then change the color?
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